Monday, June 4, 2007


It is 11:03 am. The day has already been somewhat of a fiasco. I had to wake up pretty early to bring my cat to the vet. He's getting declawed today (my mother's choice, not mine--don't tar and feather me!), but... nobody told us that we had to fast him... So we didn't. Luckily, they decided to take him in, anyway, since they're keeping him two nights. They'll do the surgery later today... I pretty much threatened them, "If anything happens to my cat, I SWEAR to you, I will flay you within an inch of your life. Consider yourself warned." Okay, so I didn't say that, but I sure felt like it... So, here I am, sitting here, being haunted by thoughts of something bad happening to my kitty, and what do I find? This lovely piece by Craftymoose, which instantly made my day that much better by bringing a smile to my face.

Stripes Tiger Beaded Art Doll

1) Your shop name:

2) Your real name:
Debbie DiJusto

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
Hot oatmeal in cold Weather; Honey Bunches of Oats in hot weather.

4) When did you begin creating?
With the idea of selling: 1992, but I have been creating things as gifts & to decorate all my life.

5) Got a day job?
Not outside the home.

6) Your inspirations:
To continue to do what I love & hopefully share with the world my creations.

Forsynthia, Marrigolds and Bellflowers

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
Perhaps a paper mache cactus out of a tissue box & newspaper that still resides on our fireplace.

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
A recent custom order I had to make 3 headpieces for flower girls using french beaded rosebuds.

9) Explain your shop name:
The name Craftymoose came about because of my love of crafts and my husband's love of moose. My avatar is the head of a 4'+ tall moose I made him one Christmas!

10) Final thoughts?
Handcrafted items make the world prettier! Thank you for this opportunity!

If Only I Could Be A Rose ACEO

Please go visit Craftymoose, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

1 comment:

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Thank you for featuring my shop on your blog! Your did such a nice job with the interview & the pictures.

Sending good wishes for your cat's speedy recovery!