Also, I just dropped a lightbulb at work, and it shattered all over the floor. It wasn't really a huuuuuuge issue. It was actually funny, because it scared the crap out of the other cashier and my manager, who were both standing next to me having a discussion.
And speaking of lightbulbs, one just went off above my head. I think it would be a great idea to introduce you to Did It Myself/Happi Commi Press!

1) Your shop name:
Did It Myself/Happi Commi Press
2) Your real name:
Erin Korda. I was named after the Walton from the "Waltons" TV series.
3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
Golden Grams. They remind me of my grandmother.
4) When did you begin creating?:
Ever since I could remember. One day when I was about 7, my father had visit a friend of his that repaired violins. Well, beinging a bored 7 year old, I was looking though his friend's waste paper basket and found a few discarded violin parts and made a necklace.
5) Got a day job?:
I work in the motion picture industry.

Pick Your Pack Button Badge Set
6) Your inspirations:
Beautiful fabric and wallpaper designs and Andy Warhol.
7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
My Uppcycle entry. A purse mada of chopsticks and kitchen twine.
8) Creation that you are most proud of:
My chopstick purse.
9) Explain your shop name:
The Did it myself comes from that I make everything myself, from the product to the labeling to the packaging. The Happi Commi Press comes from this strang obsession with Chairman Mao. The first graphic designing I did was that I made that "Chairman Mao Pen Pal Kit".
10) Final thoughts?
I like creating things, if it's knitting something, sewing, cross stitching, making jewerly, graphic designing, or what ever I might try, it makes me happy. It also makes me happy to see somebody enjoy something that I have created.

Measuring Tape Hip/Purse Pouch
Please go visit Did It Myself/Happi Commi Press, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!
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