Friday, June 8, 2007


Today has been stressful. I woke up quite early. I got ready for work. I force-fed the cat his medicine (QUITE a task, mind you). I drove my brother to school, picking up his friend along the way-- I'm just a nice person like that. I went to the post office. I went to work. I worked all day. I just got home. My mother made fun of me. My dog wet his pants. I have choir rehearsal later (not that I don't like it--I'm just tired). Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut, I just found a great Etsy shop which is brightening up my day! Behold, GalleriaLinda!

Spring Basket Bracelet

1) Your shop name:

2) Your real name:

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
Hmmmm...I stopped eating breakfast cereal about three years ago. I will eat 8-grain wheatless cooked cereal though and it is g-o-o-d!

4) When did you begin creating?
Gosh, when did life begin? My mother was quite crafty and a master Crewel needleworker. She was always trying lots of new and different things, so I was her "little helper." I also enjoyed a variety of art classes in College (I especially loved pottery and making collages), as they were required for my degree in Interior Design. As a young adult, I enjoyed crewel needlework, sculpting from bread dough (see below), home improvement projects, and of course, making jewelry for myself.

5) Got a day job?
I work full-time as a marketing communications consultant - another business I run! This involves a lot of graphic design and copywriting. I find that my creative energy is best during times where I take time to create art for myself. It goes hand-in-hand.

6) Your inspirations:
I get inspirations from nature, as most do, but I also love to research historical jewelry and architecture. I especially love the Art Deco period because the designs were fabulously linear, simple, and modern in their own way. I love to interpret designs I see and translate the shapes into other materials and in other ways.

Boardroom Sophisticate-Casual Neckwear Collection

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
No need to think long here! Back when "bread dough" clay was popular to make at home, I sculpted an entire nativity scene. You have to bake it for a while and all my wise men squished down into little fat wise dough boys! It was so hysterical it was cute. This was intended for a Christmas present for my in-laws and I gave it to them anyway. They (bless their hearts) proudly displayed it every year, and every year I chuckled!

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
Well, aren't most artists perfectionists? I am a recovering perfectionist so I take my cues from customers, friends, and family that see my work. Whatever they express interest in, I feel like I did a good job. When I finish a piece, I always have thoughts about how it could or should be improved. You could call that innovation. Yes! Let's call that innovation - ok?

9) Explain your shop name:
When I was a young girl, I lived in Brazil for several years and learned Portuguese. (I live in the US). The word "linda" is translated as "beautiful" in both Spanish and Portuguese. Therefore, I named my shop GalleriaLinda for "Beautiful Gallery" with a play on my own name.

10) Final thoughts?
I am astounded at the Etsy community, both for the exceptional gifted talent Etsy represents and for the "just darn nice folks" I have met on the forums.

I must confess that I allowed my creativity to wane for years while I was working the corporate world. Even though I always had positions that required an "artistic nature," it was always to solve problems and never was mine. Getting back to creating for myself on my own time has changed my perspective on life. I look back and realize that we must create to be whole. At least I do.

Tiger Stripe Bracelet

Please go visit GalleriaLinda, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a funny introduction! Some days are like that. Thanks for featuring the interview. This is a great human interest feature you do for others. I will write about it on my blog this weekend!
