Thursday, June 7, 2007

Spiderbite Boutique

Ok. These journals are furrrrrrryyyyyyy! Is it wrong that the first thing I thought of when I saw these was Monsters, Inc? No, it's not wrong? Well... is it wrong that the second thing I thought of was Avenue Q? I have no idea, but I definitely know one thing: I am going to be purchasing one of these amazing journals made by Spiderbite Boutique!

Crubbly the Nightmare Snatcher

1) Your shop name:
Spiderbite Boutique

2) Your real name:
Sarah Jane

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
I don't really like breakfast cereal, but I remember being a big fan of Frankenberry as a kid. Now I mostly just eat a pop tart or a bagel for breakfast.

4) When did you begin creating?
I guess you could say I began creating when I started art school around 2001. Prior to that I never really painted or crafted, but I found out it's kind of a requirement for art school. I went to be a web designer, so the majority of my portfolio was design work and websites. But once I started school I found a love for handcrafting items and illustrative work, so I changed my major. My product the Nightmare Snatchers were created around 2005 as a project for one of my classes.

5) Got a day job?
I guess making the Nightmare Snatchers is my day job. My side job is writing and illustrating children's books that I hope to one day get published.

6) Your inspirations:
Stories about mystical or fantastic adventures are a big inspiration to me. Fairy tales, scary stories, and epic adventures just make me want to create things of my own. I create books because I love books myself. Books always seem so magical to me. A whole adventure could be contained in a book, just waiting for you to wander in. You open a book and there's no telling where it might lead you.

Swampmop Nightmare Snatcher

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
I've made many a weird thing in my journeys through art school, so it's hard to narrow it down. I once made a corset entirely out of dried roses and wire for a school project. Never tried it on as the wires were very pokey! Cost me a fortune to make.

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
I guess my Nightmare Snatchers are what I am the most proud of. They've come a long way since my first craft show in 2005 and I hope they'll keep going.

9) Explain your shop name:
My shop name actually comes from the nickname my dad had for me as a kid. He called me 'Spiderbite' because I had an allergic reaction to being bitten by a spider. I felt the name just fit my work, which I like to think is creepy yet cute and whimsical.

10) Final thoughts?
Thanks for the interview you happy little teeth!

Lomper the Nightmare Snatcher

Please go visit Spiderbite Boutique, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

1 comment:

DBrownDesigns said...

Those monsters are adorable! Cute shop name too!