Thursday, June 28, 2007


The world is coming to an end! I sense doom, despair, and destruction. Today, all of my limbs are going to fall off, I'm going to get punched in the stomach twice, and I'm sure I'm going to get hardware thrown at me at LEAST six times. Why is that? Because the hardware store I work at is having a sale.

Now, I know what you're thinking... How bad could it REALLY be? It's a hardware store. How bad could it be? Bad. Very bad. In fact, it could be downright awful. How do I know this? Well, I worked the sale we had at Memorial Day. See, we don't just sell hardware. We sell pool chemicals, planting supplies, animal traps, lawn chairs, grills, outdoor patio sets, housewares, the list goes on and on. Aaaaaaaaand... today it's all on sale. I sense at least six fist fights over bug spray. Why do I think this? Because over Memorial Day, two old ladies got in a fist fight over a gazebo, and the other cashier working with me got a handful of heavy nuts and bolts thrown at her face.

Today should be swell. You know what else is swell, though? This shop by JKRAL!

I Love The Rain The Most...When It Stops 2

1) Your shop name:

2) Your real name:
Joe Kralovich

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
Cocoa Pebbles, of course ;-) Although, Cinnamon Toast Crunch is quite good...

4) When did you begin creating?
Probably around 5 or so. I stopped for a while after college, but have really picked the passion back up again in the past year.

5) Got a day job?
Teaching special ed for group home children.

6) Your inspirations:
My parents and grandparents.

Statehouse P.M. ACEO ATC Card

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
Lil Loverboy, no doubt. Even I can't believe that I could create that kind of cheese.

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
Hmm, maybe my statehouse image, mainly because it took a long time to get the details right. Right behind that would have been my Mother's Day print.

9) Explain your shop name:
Its my name abbreviated... No real exciting story behind it... Sorry.

10) Final thoughts?
I'm quite surprised that my images have gotten the attention that they have. Thank you to all of you out there that have supported me and given me some great tips on how to be successful. Keep on truckin'! :-)

Everyone knows you are insane ACEO ATC card

Please go visit JKRAL, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Did It Myself/Happi Commi Press

I didn't think the day would ever come, but it finally did. I actually missed a day of blogging. I extend my apologies, and it'll never happen again (well, you know what they say -- never say never!)!

Also, I just dropped a lightbulb at work, and it shattered all over the floor. It wasn't really a huuuuuuge issue. It was actually funny, because it scared the crap out of the other cashier and my manager, who were both standing next to me having a discussion.

And speaking of lightbulbs, one just went off above my head. I think it would be a great idea to introduce you to Did It Myself/Happi Commi Press!

The Totally Reversible Bag

1) Your shop name:
Did It Myself/Happi Commi Press

2) Your real name:
Erin Korda. I was named after the Walton from the "Waltons" TV series.

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
Golden Grams. They remind me of my grandmother.

4) When did you begin creating?:
Ever since I could remember. One day when I was about 7, my father had visit a friend of his that repaired violins. Well, beinging a bored 7 year old, I was looking though his friend's waste paper basket and found a few discarded violin parts and made a necklace.

5) Got a day job?:
I work in the motion picture industry.

Pick Your Pack Button Badge Set

6) Your inspirations:
Beautiful fabric and wallpaper designs and Andy Warhol.

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
My Uppcycle entry. A purse mada of chopsticks and kitchen twine.

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
My chopstick purse.

9) Explain your shop name:
The Did it myself comes from that I make everything myself, from the product to the labeling to the packaging. The Happi Commi Press comes from this strang obsession with Chairman Mao. The first graphic designing I did was that I made that "Chairman Mao Pen Pal Kit".

10) Final thoughts?
I like creating things, if it's knitting something, sewing, cross stitching, making jewerly, graphic designing, or what ever I might try, it makes me happy. It also makes me happy to see somebody enjoy something that I have created.

Measuring Tape Hip/Purse Pouch

Please go visit Did It Myself/Happi Commi Press, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Art n Joy

I have a feeling that now that my mom is home from work for the summer (she's a teacher), things are going to be different. As in, even on my day off, I'm going to have to work. WTF? She ran into the mother of someone I went to high school with (and HATED because she was a self-centered egomaniac), and apparently the girl is substitute teaching. Now, my mother has been talking about substitute teaching and how I should for about 2 months. I HAVE a job. I don't NEED anymore work to do. I have too much to do as it is: going to school full time, working almost full time, running my Etsy business and this blog, starting a theater company.... It doesn't end. I don't want to hear about this girl and her substitute teaching job and her online courses and that she'll have a masters when she's done. So will I. So, stop telling me about her! Nothing I do is EVER good enough for my family. UGH.

But that's really not why I'm posting today. I'm posting because I want to introduce you to an excellent shop called Art n Joy!

Alphabet Queen ORIGINAL Mixed Media Collage Journal Page ZNE

1) Your shop name:
Art n Joy

2) Your real name:
Darcy Altaville

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
Rice Chex

4) When did you begin creating?
I've been doing art ever since I was a kid!

5) Got a day job?
My day job is taking care of my three beautiful, kind, creative children. It's pretty
much a twenty-four hour job actually! {:

6) Your inspirations:
To be a great mom and raise great kids. And to make at least a part-time income
from selling my art on etsy.

The Gift ORIGINAL Mixed Media Collage Print

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
That would have to be some art dolls I did a couple of years ago!

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
My children first. And in my Art n Joy etsy shop, there is a piece called
"The Gift" that I am very proud of. I also love "Summer Rose".

9) Explain your shop name:
My art brings me great joy and I hope to evoke that emotion in my viewers and
buyers. At the very least I hope that my art will make people smile!

10) Final thoughts?
I feel that art should be accessible to everyone no matter what their budget. So
I try to keep my pieces affordable so everyone can add a little art to their
everyday life!

Love Potion 9 ORIGINAL Mixed Media Collage Print

Please go visit Art n Joy, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Jen Nixon Designs

I'm inspired! In about five minutes, I am going to start on the most AMAZING project, and it's going to be the start of my complete overhaul on my shop, the kickoff of which will be on July 7, 2007 when I start my Lucky 7 sale. More information about that will be posted on Saturday! I'm very excited. This new project is going to be AWESOME!

But, you know what else is awesome? Jewelry by Jen Nixon Designs!

Grapes and Berries Necklace

1) Your shop name:
Jen Nixon Designs

2) Your real name:
Jennifer Jeffcoat Nixon

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
Kellogg's Yogurt and Berries.

4) When did you begin creating?
I began making jewelry in November, 2006 due to my doctor's suggestion to lower stress.

5) Got a day job?
I was working as an elementary teacher, but now I stay and home, and I am devoting my days to launching my jewelry business.

6) Your inspirations:
Beads! I think beads are so pretty. I love to go to the store and look at them and touch them all. Then I bring them home and let them show me what they want to be!

Pink Ice Cubes Set-Necklace, Bracelet, and Earrings

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
I tried to make a brooch for my husband's grandmother. It was SUPPOSED to look like a bouquet of wrapped flowers. Instead it looked like a tangle of weeds! My husband says it is kinda neat and now the cat plays with it!

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
I am currently most proud of the pearl ring in my shop because I am just learning. I am also pretty proud of my blueberry quartz necklace.

9) Explain your shop name:
Well, I really wanted to have a super cool play on words type name. It never happened. Since they are my designs, I gave it my name.

10) Final thoughts?
I love it when someone buys one of my pieces, but I also hate to see them go :(

Visit Jen Nixon's blog here:

Beaded Memory Wire Bracelet

Please go visit Jen Nixon Designs, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Friday, June 22, 2007


I found out something awesome in the Blue Room Chat last night. I have a following! People actually read my blog. Faaaaaaaantastic! I'm totally excited about that. But, you know what else I'm totally excited about? This awesome art by Sinnerlady!

Church i. Original 8x10 in. color photograph

1) Your shop name:

2) Your real name:

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:

4) When did you begin creating?
I probably began creating around three years of age. I remember drawing, coloring, and making collages with my grandmother (who is still a great support). In third grade, I determined I would be an artist in response to a career project, and here I am.

5) Got a day job?
I am currently a special education teacher for emotionally disturbed (but wonderful and creative) students at a non-profit.

6) Your inspirations:
The inspiration is never ending. I tend to draw from world news, history, and often attempt to convey a message with some of my works. My friends, family, students, and emotions also have their influence.

public expression in baltimore. original 8x10 in. color photograph

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
The weirdest thing I ever made... Hmmm... I created an oil painting of a young girl and over her eyes I painted the staples I had from surgery years back (yes, I had photographed the staples... How could I resist something so visually captivating?).

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
I am either most proud of my stich girl or my portrait of Nelson Mandela.

9) Explain your shop name:
Sinnerlady is part of a Charles Mingus album title, "The Black Saint and the Sinnerlady".

10) Final thoughts?
This is the pressure question where I need to divulge something of significance, eh? To be serious, over the past three years or so I have truly renewed my vows to develop my art. Art is an integral part of who I am, and I hope that my creations will bring joy and visual excitement to others. I also hope that I can create art that is thought provoking and meaningful for others.

Billie s Blues. Original 8x10 in. Color Photograph

Please go visit Sinnerlady, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Hoy ha sido un día ineresante, lejos...Me levanté esta mañana y tuve que ir al doctor. Aparentemente, todo está bien, excepto que, tal vez, tengo un quiste en uno de mis ovarios. Tengo que hacerme un ultrasonido. Blehhhh.De todas formas..Apuesto que estarán preguntándose que hay con el español. Hoy, estoy mostrando a Indiaylaluna. Ella es de Argentina, y su primer lengua es el español, por eso pensé utilizarla para que se sienta bienvenida (y porque además amo la lengua y la cultura) es que haré una entrada bilingue. Aqui está!!! (Por favor perdonen mi español, tomé clases durante cinco años en la secundaria, pero casi me olvidé de todo, así que utilicé el traductor Google para el resto.)

Today has been interesting so far... I woke up this morning and had to go to the doctor's. Apparently, everything is fine, except that I might have a cyst on one of my ovaries. I have to go for an ultrasound. Blehhhh. Anyway... I bet you're wondering what's up with the Spanish. Today, I am featuring Indiaylaluna. She is from Argentina, and her first language is Spanish, so I thought, to make her feel welcome (and because I love the language and culture) I would do a bilingual entry. So here it is! (Please excuse my Spanish-- I took five years of it in high school, but I mostly forget all of it, so I used Google Translate for the rest.)

Small Half Moon Earrings in Sterling Silver

1) El nombre de tu shop/Your shop name

2) Tu nombre real/Your real name
Gabriela Hughes

3)Tu cereal favorito para el desayuno/Your favorite breakfast cereal
Tres Arroyos Cereal Mix, si visitan Argentina, deben probarlo!!

Tres Arroyos Cereal Mix, if you come to Argentina, you must taste it!!

4) Cuando comenzaste con tus creaciones?/When did you begin creating?
Recuerdo haber comenzado a crear cosas desde pequeña, mi mamá tenía una máquina de coser y recuerdo que ella hacía los vestidos de mis muñecas, y, de esa manera, yo comencé a hacerlos con ella...Amo crear cosas y, desde entonces, nunca he parado de hacerlo.

I've been creating since I was a little girl. My mother used to have a sewing machine and I remember her making my dolls dresses, and I begun making them with her. I love to create things, and, since that time, I have never stopped.

5) Trabajás de otra cosa?/Got a day job?
Soy maestra jardinera de sala de 4 años de 1 a 4 de la tarde.

I'm a kindergarten teacher to a room full of 4 year olds from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

6) Qué te inspira?/Your inspirations
Mi hija, las estrellas, el silencio, joyas antiguas, joyas indígenas, mis pensamientos,mis sentimientos, mi experiencia de vida, una foto...casi cualquier cosa puede inspirarme cuando estoy inspirada!!! ;-)

My daughter, the stars, the silence, ancient jewelry, Indian jewelry, my thoughts, my feelings, my experiences in life, a picture... Almost everything becomes my inspiration when I'm inspired!!! ;-)

Cleopatra - Sterling Silver Earrings

7) La cosa más extraña que jamás hayas hecho?/Weirdest thing you've ever made
En 1996 estaba trabajando en el Club Med en Itaparica, Brasil, y se organizó un concurso en el cuál, cada equipo, debía crear trajes para desfilar, sin usar telas ni máquina de coser, entonces decidí crear trajes de novios para tres parejas usando sólo papel higiénico, sábanas y pegamento. Aún conservo las fotos y realmente amo esas creaciones!!!!

In 1996 I was working at The Club Med in Itaparica, Brasil, and there was a contest in which each team had to make costumes without using fabrics or sewing machines, so I created three couples of brides and grooms, using only toilet paper, sheets and glue. I have the pictures and I love those creations!!!!

8) Tu creación de la cual estás más orgullosa?/Creation that you are most proud of
Mi hija, por supuesto :-)

My daughter, of course :-)

9) Explica el nombre de tu shop/Explain your shop name
El nombre de mi hija es India Luna, por eso, inspirada en ella y como homenaje hacia ella, elegí este nombre que significa tanto para mí. India puede relacionarse con el país o con los indígenas y luna significa moon, entonces el nombre de mi shop se traduciría como "India and the moon"

My daughter's name is India Luna, so, inspired by her and in tribute to her I choose that name that means a lot to me. India means Indian or the India country, and luna means moon, so my shop name means "India and the moon".

10) Pensamientos finales?/Final thoughts?
Amo Etsy y a las personas que lo integran, he encontrado aquí cálida comunicación, respeto y sentimiento de camaradería, y me gustaría que estos sentimientos puedan desparramarse alrededor del mundo!!!!

I love Etsy and its members, I find here warm communication, respect and a feeling of friendship, and I would love if this feeling can spread everywhere around the world!!!!

Pinky Pinky - Everyday Tote

Por favor, visiten Indiaylaluna y continúen chequeando mi blog para más entrevistas con asombrosos vendedores de Etsy!

Please go visit Indiaylaluna, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Vintage Poppy Creations

Today has been glorious so far (except for that weird dream I had last night, but I'm DEFINITELY not going to get into that here). I was featured on the EtsyGreetings blog, which you should all go check out. I went down the shore yesterday. I didn't have to go to work early, so that was good. After I get done at work (2 hours left!) I am going out for drinks with my boyfriend and his friends. But wait! There's more! I found this totally awesome shop called Vintage Poppy Creations! Check it out!

I love rainy days brooch

1) Your shop name:
Vintage Poppy Creations

2) Your real name:

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
Mmmm...I like kid cereals. My favorite is probably a tie between Fruity Pebbles and Froot Loops! :)

4) When did you begin creating?
When I was little! My mom is really crafty and I was always in the middle of some project.

5) Got a day job?
I'm a nanny for a 3 year old boy. 8:00am - 6:00pm, Monday - Friday!

Sweet Robot T-shirt

6) Your inspirations:
COLOR! I love lots of color. Things that remind me of my childhood (the late 80's!), and things that make me happy... Like cupcakes and robots and such!

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
Umm...not sure. I haven't really made anything too weird. But when I was younger I painted some really ugly-weird paintings that I am now totally embarrassed of but my mom won't let me get rid of them!

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
I'm still working on it. :) But I'm proud of most of the things I make. If I weren't I sure wouldn't sell them or share them with others! I tend to be a perfectionist when it comes to making things for other people.

9) Explain your shop name
Well.... I love poppies and I love vintage/vintage inspired things (particulary home decor). However, I have nothing that is actually vintage in my shop at the moment other than some vintage buttons and lace! I thought the name had a nice ring to it!

10) Final thoughts?
I've always had a dream of opening my own shop to sell my creations from. When I first started getting into selling the things I made, I hated going around to shops asking if they would sell my things because around where I lived, the answer always seemed to be "No". So one day I hope to open up my own shop and open it to other young budding artists/crafters. I feel that Etsy is just another step towards that!

Tooth Pillows

Please go visit Vintage Poppy Creations, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Hurry, hurry, hurry! The submissions post for the first ever EtsySecret is going up in 40 minutes!

Have you all seen PostSecret?

I have, and I enjoy it greatly. That's why I think we should have an EtsySecret.

Here's how it works. Today at 12 noon, I will create a submissions post on my blog. What you need to do is to create a picture secret. It must be 800 pixels wide by 600 pixels high (or less). Then, you must upload it to a website that will give you a direct URL to the picture (as in, Photobucket or something like that). I would suggest using one that is different than the one you usually use. I don't want to know who made each secret! During the submissions post, I will accept the first 100 secrets that come in (don't worry--comments will be moderated, and nobody will see them but me). 50 of them will be posted on Saturday, June 23rd, and the other 50 will be posted on Saturday, June 30th.

If this does really well, I will probably create a blog just for this, but until then, I will be using my blog.

I hope you guys enjoy the idea and want to participate. Personally, I am VERY excited! :)

Rocca Designs

I'm getting my hair cut in two and a half hours! I'm so excited! It's going to be very choppy with bangs. I'll probably post a picture here after it's done. I hope it doesn't suck! What do I need after all this? Gorgeous jewelry by Rocca Designs!


1) Your shop name:
Rocca Designs

2) Your real name:
Carolina Estrada

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
Kellogg's Special K. It is actually the only one I'll eat!

4) When did you begin creating?
I started in middle school. I made little seed bead necklaces. I started selling to others about 5 years ago, and it became a business last year.

5) Got a day job?
Yes, I work full time, and I am a wife and mommy.

6) Your inspirations:
Silvia Tcherassi. She is a Colombian fashion designer who has made her own way in the world fashion scene. I want to emulate her drive and admire her vision.


7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
The other day I made an ID badge holder, the 1st one ever. It was a special request for someone. That is weird for me because I had never made one before, but my business is branching out to other accessories besides jewelry.

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
A painting I made for my mother in high school. It is a beautiful landscape. She still has it hanging in her bedroom.

9) Explain your shop name:
Rocca: the first part represents my husband's name and the 2nd part, mine. The "c" in the middle represents the creative process.

10) Final thoughts?
Thank you for letting me participate in this blog.


Please go visit Rocca Designs, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Decadence Designs

Today is my day off from work. Seriously. I am so incredibly excited I don't even know what to do with myself. Oh wait, yes I do. ETSY! I had a super-cool idea for something SUPER FUN to do with the Etsy community, but I'm going to put it in a separate post, because I do NOT want to take attention away from the wonderful shop I'm featuring today: Decadence Designs Check it out!

Silverware Windchime

1) Your shop name:
Decadence Designs

2) Your real name:
Heather Whamond

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
I usually don't eat breakfast, but when I do I LOVE cold pizza :D

4) When did you begin creating?
I've always been creating, but I didn't kick it into high gear until last summer :)

5) Got a day job?
Yep! I am a software tester.

6) Your inspirations:
I find inspiration all around me, mostly in nature and my daughter. The oddest source of inspiration was a slice of lime that was garnishing my breakfast one Sunday. Each little juice pocket was perfect and it looked like a stained glass window.

Mabel and Evelyn, 1939 - ACEO

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
I wouldn't say that I've made anything weird, but my first windchime was a bit... awkward.

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
I love my windchimes! They are made out of old and tarnished silverware, some beautiful glass beads and some wire.

9) Explain your shop name:
My boyfriend came up with the name. He calls me Princess Decadence, which makes my creations Decadence Designs. I also like the fact that, IMHO, to be decadent is to be spoiled and I am all about spoiling myself! :D

10) Final thoughts?
I feel that all of my creations are little pieces of myself. If I don't feel that a piece is ready to leave the nest, it does not leave my home for a craft show or get posted on Etsy. I only ever broke this rule once - because I had less than 12 hours to get ready for a craft show. I grabbed every item in sight, including a box that I wasn't thrilled about. We set up the night before and the women running the show shopped the night before, picking out their favorite items to purchase the next day. The box that I wasn't sure about was the first thing that one of the organizers bought :) Shows what *I* know about my pieces! :D

Green Dragonfly Repurposed Cigar Box

Please go visit Decadence Designs, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

EtsyGreetings Street Team

I don't usually do updates on the weekend, but I feel absolutely obligated to do so today. I am a member of the greatest street team ever! What street team would that be? Why, the EtsyGreetings street team, of course!

This street team is full of MANY talented people, and you owe it to yourself to take a look at the many different items being made by these fine folks. How can you do that? You can visit the EtsyGreetings blog. The blog features different members of the group daily (my feature is on Wednesday, June 20th--I'll post a link!) and includes a list of the different shops that participate in the street team along the left hand border.

You owe it to yourself to check out the group! Great stuff! :)

Friday, June 15, 2007


I'm about to head down the shore! I'm so excited!

You know, I haven't been doing much crafting lately, but one thing is for sure: I've definitely discovered a LOT of great Etsy shops. Please allow me to introduce you to Fairiesnest!

Nalynne Fairy Cloth Artdoll

1) Your shop name:

2) Your real name:
Cynthia Toy

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
Hmm...Raspberry-Ginger Peace cereal. I know, how crunchy of me!

4) When did you begin creating?
I made my first doll at age 7! But I really got back to it about 15 years ago making dolls for my kids. After that I couldn't quit and it kinda just escalated!

5) Got a day job?
I sub some as a teacher, but I'm really working on making it as an artist... Fingers crossed!!

6) Your inspirations:
Nature, fairy tales, my own crazy musings.

Autumn Leaf Fairy

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
My crow ladies are probably the weirdest but they are also my favs!

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
My Merfae. Her tail is made from collage fabric that took hours to make! And I love her hair with all the sea glass and shells in it.

9) Explain your shop name:
The nest where fairies are born!

10) Final thoughts?
I've just really started on Etsy but I have to say I really like it so far, the people are amazingly helpful and friendly.


Please go visit Fairiesnest, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Today has been WONDERFUL. I have done absolutely nothing. I slept in until noon. Then I woke up and played video games with my brother. Then I played on Etsy for at LEAST three hours. I haven't had a day like this in a good, loooooooong time, and I couldn't be more thrilled. You know what ELSE I couldn't be more thrilled about? Finding this AWESOME shop by Paperflowergirl!


1) Your shop name:

2) Your real name:
Isis Sturtewagen

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
I never eat cereals for breakfast. I rather make myself a milkshake, or eat yochurt with fruit.

4) When did you begin creating?
I have been creatng things as long as I can remember,... I have been messing around with beads, yarns, fabric, paper, pencils, paint and glue since I was old enough to hold them in my hands. One of the first things I can remember making is a little book in which I would write (not really words, becasue I was couldn't really write at that time, but just spirals and loops en stripes and lines) in a little book, when I couldn't fall asleep at night.

5) Got a day job?
I'm studying Archaeology, so no dayjob yet for me.

6) Your inspirations:
I'm inspired by lots of different things. By nature. By small forgotten details nobody ever notices. By other artists. By historical costume.


7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
I can't think of really weird things. I did make a lot of stuff modern people would consider weird though. Apart from making jewelry I also make historical costumes. My favorit period is the Middle Ages. So probably medieval drawers are quite weird, and also some types of medieval women's headwear might look quite odd to many people.
You can read more about my historical costume and accessories making here:

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
At the moment that would be this pair of earrings, since they are the result of my first attempts at hammering metal.

9) Explain your shop name:
The name I gave to my shop, Paper Flower Girl, goes back to a story form my early youth. When I was a kid, in summer me, my parents would take me and my little sister to the beach. It was tradition to make paper flowers and then exchange these with the flowers other kids made, or 'sell' them to each other for beautiful shells we found on the shore.

10) Final thoughts?
I'm really happy that I found out about etsy and the online crafting world half a year ago. It's a hard job to get noticed, but, there is always light at the end of the tunnel!


Please go visit Paperflowergirl, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Wow. I am EXTREMELY late at posting this entry today. I went to the Phillies game. It was AWESOME! We had Graham Slam ice cream. I SERIOUSLY feel bad for anybody who doesn't live close enough to Philadelphia to have this ice cream. Also, Aaron Rowand hit a grand slam. And the Phillies won by a LOT. Yessssss. Now all we need is for the Braves and Mets to lose... YESSSSSSSSS. I've been having a great day. The icing on the cake was discovering AddictedToArt!

Berries in The Forest Yarn

1) Your shop name:

2) Your real name:
Johoanna Boykin

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
Muslie with almonds, dates and apricots

4) When did you begin creating?
I've always been creative, I don't remember a particular time when I started. It was always something I did.

5) Got a day job?
No. I have a bad back and am currently going through rehab for that. I'm hoping to be making some sort of income greater than welfare payments so I don't have to go back to work.

6) Your inspirations:
Mostly what other people are creating, Shunklies is a huge inspiration to me. Also CubistLiterature. I love to spend time in nature and find that is slowly starting to find it's way into my artwork.

Caramel Vanilla Lip Balm

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
When I was in primary school (or Elementary School) we had to carve a piece of soap. I had no idea what to make so I made a table. It turned out really lame.

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
My yarn is what I am most proud of. I am learning and getting better each time I make yarn. It's also the thing I love doing the most.

9) Explain your shop name:
Um, I'm addicted to arts and crafts :D

Good Morning Sunshine Soap

Please go visit AddictedToArt, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Erica Leigh Designs

I must admit, I'm in sort of a rush today. I'm performing with my choir. We're singing at a friend's wedding. My secret life as a musician, heh heh heh. Anyway, I'm supposed to be leaving my house in four minutes, but I could help but do a feature before I go. Today's victim, er... featured seller is Erica Leigh Designs.

Jailhouse Jumper

1) Your shop name:
Erica Leigh Designs

2) Your real name:
Erica Leigh! :)

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
Ha, that's a hard one. I'd have to say Apple Jacks!

4) When did you begin creating?
Um, around sophomore year of high school? That was about 4 years ago. My mom taugh me how to make tote bags and she made me make them for all my friends when they had birthdays. I started experimenting with making purses and clothes last year though.

5) Got a day job?
I'm a college student. Does that count?

6) Your inspirations:
Vintage fashions, art, films...anything and everything that catches my eye.

Vintage Paisley Olive Green Hobo Bag with Satin Bow Tie and Buttons

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
A friendship bracelet out of a plastic lei.

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
The black hooded top with pink trim and bow. it was one of the first tops I ever made!

9) Explain your shop name:
Well, it's really simple. it's just my first and middle name with "designs" added on. i couldn't think of anything else to call it at the time.

10) Final thoughts?
I love making things! i think that sewing is a great creative outlet. Plus, I love fashion and think that it's one of the best ways a person can express themselves with. Also, anyone who wants to add me on myspace:

Thank you!!!

Hot Pink Mod Tunic Top with Short Sleeves and Black Lace Overlay

Please go visit Erica Leigh Designs, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Monday, June 11, 2007

The Crafting Patch Etsy Market

Guess what? I totally just applied and got accepted to The Crafting Patch Etsy Market, which is being hosted by the NC Etsy Street Team. The market is on October 13, 2007 9a-5p at Freedom Park, Charlotte, NC. The street team is still accepting applications, so if you're interested, contact for an application! If not, please come visit anyway! It should be a VERY good time!


My mind is racing, my heart is beating fast, I have the chills. Am I sick? Nope. Did I just run up fifteen flights of stairs? Nope again. What is it, then? I'm in love. I am head over heels in love with the fantastic jewelry by WebGal!

Funky Purple Passion Bracelet

1) Your shop name:

2) Your real name:
Anne Moss Rogers

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
It varies but this week it's pecan granola mixed with Great Grains. Next week it could be chopped tree bark over grits. I'm just living on the edge!

4) When did you begin creating?
At birth. I painted a copy of the Sistine Chapel on my attic ceiling at the age of 2.5. Okay, that is a bit of an exaggeration. I started early, though. I've been making things ever since I can remember. I was 12 when someone asked me to make things for her gift shop. I was thrilled.

5) Got a day job?
Yes. I'm a freelance writer, web developer and webmistress for some websites. I have written ads for the majority of 20 years. Radio, TV, magazine, newspaper and brochures. In the last few years, I've gotten into web sites. I design some, write all and am hired to basically market things on the web.

6) Your inspirations:
My mother, Warhol, John Hardy and jewelry designers who design for the upscale stores on Saks Fifth avenue. I work with a diamond dealer in NY and when I go up there (I live in Virginia), I meet some really nifty people.

Bracelet with Attitude is not for the Faint of Fashion

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
A palm tree from coat hangars and sewn cloth.

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
My boys. I am a mother after all.

9) Explain your shop name:
I guess I spend lots of time on the internet creating things for clients. My screen name on a web forum I manage is webmistress. I go by webgal on another forum, so it sort of defines how I spend a lot of my time.

10) Final thoughts?
You don't mean final as in, dead sort of final. No, you don't mean that. You are welcome to see my website: I love writing, it pays well but I miss creating with my hands. So that is why I started making jewelry. I've made many different things but I always go back to jewelry. It's my grandmother's fault.

Ivory and Lace Double Strand Causes Double Take

Please go visit WebGal, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Friday, June 8, 2007


Today has been stressful. I woke up quite early. I got ready for work. I force-fed the cat his medicine (QUITE a task, mind you). I drove my brother to school, picking up his friend along the way-- I'm just a nice person like that. I went to the post office. I went to work. I worked all day. I just got home. My mother made fun of me. My dog wet his pants. I have choir rehearsal later (not that I don't like it--I'm just tired). Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut, I just found a great Etsy shop which is brightening up my day! Behold, GalleriaLinda!

Spring Basket Bracelet

1) Your shop name:

2) Your real name:

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
Hmmmm...I stopped eating breakfast cereal about three years ago. I will eat 8-grain wheatless cooked cereal though and it is g-o-o-d!

4) When did you begin creating?
Gosh, when did life begin? My mother was quite crafty and a master Crewel needleworker. She was always trying lots of new and different things, so I was her "little helper." I also enjoyed a variety of art classes in College (I especially loved pottery and making collages), as they were required for my degree in Interior Design. As a young adult, I enjoyed crewel needlework, sculpting from bread dough (see below), home improvement projects, and of course, making jewelry for myself.

5) Got a day job?
I work full-time as a marketing communications consultant - another business I run! This involves a lot of graphic design and copywriting. I find that my creative energy is best during times where I take time to create art for myself. It goes hand-in-hand.

6) Your inspirations:
I get inspirations from nature, as most do, but I also love to research historical jewelry and architecture. I especially love the Art Deco period because the designs were fabulously linear, simple, and modern in their own way. I love to interpret designs I see and translate the shapes into other materials and in other ways.

Boardroom Sophisticate-Casual Neckwear Collection

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
No need to think long here! Back when "bread dough" clay was popular to make at home, I sculpted an entire nativity scene. You have to bake it for a while and all my wise men squished down into little fat wise dough boys! It was so hysterical it was cute. This was intended for a Christmas present for my in-laws and I gave it to them anyway. They (bless their hearts) proudly displayed it every year, and every year I chuckled!

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
Well, aren't most artists perfectionists? I am a recovering perfectionist so I take my cues from customers, friends, and family that see my work. Whatever they express interest in, I feel like I did a good job. When I finish a piece, I always have thoughts about how it could or should be improved. You could call that innovation. Yes! Let's call that innovation - ok?

9) Explain your shop name:
When I was a young girl, I lived in Brazil for several years and learned Portuguese. (I live in the US). The word "linda" is translated as "beautiful" in both Spanish and Portuguese. Therefore, I named my shop GalleriaLinda for "Beautiful Gallery" with a play on my own name.

10) Final thoughts?
I am astounded at the Etsy community, both for the exceptional gifted talent Etsy represents and for the "just darn nice folks" I have met on the forums.

I must confess that I allowed my creativity to wane for years while I was working the corporate world. Even though I always had positions that required an "artistic nature," it was always to solve problems and never was mine. Getting back to creating for myself on my own time has changed my perspective on life. I look back and realize that we must create to be whole. At least I do.

Tiger Stripe Bracelet

Please go visit GalleriaLinda, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Spiderbite Boutique

Ok. These journals are furrrrrrryyyyyyy! Is it wrong that the first thing I thought of when I saw these was Monsters, Inc? No, it's not wrong? Well... is it wrong that the second thing I thought of was Avenue Q? I have no idea, but I definitely know one thing: I am going to be purchasing one of these amazing journals made by Spiderbite Boutique!

Crubbly the Nightmare Snatcher

1) Your shop name:
Spiderbite Boutique

2) Your real name:
Sarah Jane

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
I don't really like breakfast cereal, but I remember being a big fan of Frankenberry as a kid. Now I mostly just eat a pop tart or a bagel for breakfast.

4) When did you begin creating?
I guess you could say I began creating when I started art school around 2001. Prior to that I never really painted or crafted, but I found out it's kind of a requirement for art school. I went to be a web designer, so the majority of my portfolio was design work and websites. But once I started school I found a love for handcrafting items and illustrative work, so I changed my major. My product the Nightmare Snatchers were created around 2005 as a project for one of my classes.

5) Got a day job?
I guess making the Nightmare Snatchers is my day job. My side job is writing and illustrating children's books that I hope to one day get published.

6) Your inspirations:
Stories about mystical or fantastic adventures are a big inspiration to me. Fairy tales, scary stories, and epic adventures just make me want to create things of my own. I create books because I love books myself. Books always seem so magical to me. A whole adventure could be contained in a book, just waiting for you to wander in. You open a book and there's no telling where it might lead you.

Swampmop Nightmare Snatcher

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
I've made many a weird thing in my journeys through art school, so it's hard to narrow it down. I once made a corset entirely out of dried roses and wire for a school project. Never tried it on as the wires were very pokey! Cost me a fortune to make.

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
I guess my Nightmare Snatchers are what I am the most proud of. They've come a long way since my first craft show in 2005 and I hope they'll keep going.

9) Explain your shop name:
My shop name actually comes from the nickname my dad had for me as a kid. He called me 'Spiderbite' because I had an allergic reaction to being bitten by a spider. I felt the name just fit my work, which I like to think is creepy yet cute and whimsical.

10) Final thoughts?
Thanks for the interview you happy little teeth!

Lomper the Nightmare Snatcher

Please go visit Spiderbite Boutique, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!