Thursday, May 24, 2007

Unique Expressions

Wow. I cannot believe how hard I am busting my ass to get to work at the hardware store today... I have the a VERY sore throat, I am FREEZING, and I'm just not sure how I'm going to make it through my shift... It's pretty much going to suck...

But you know what doesn't suck? Unique Expressions!

Earrings (A Dainty Compliment)

1) Your shop name:
Unique Expressions

2) Your real name:
Jessica Mattingly, aka jes or jessprkle

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
Kashi, Go Lean!

4) When did you begin creating?
For as long as I can remember, I have always been creating something. I had imaginary friends. I created jobs for my stuffed animals to complete while I slept. I believed my life was a movie, then I thought my life was a dream and that I'd wake up an infant still in my crib aware of all my life held. I made refrigerator boxes into houses. I collected cereal boxes, egg crates, and milk cartons and made a little city that I worked on during recess rather than going out and playing with the other kids. I created endless obsessive and compulsive rituals as a child that morphed into my adult life. I created music for a major portion of my life. I created characters on stage after my initial departure from music. Now, I create therapeutic environments during the day and fun stuff at night for my online venues.

5) Got a day job?
I work full-time as a mental health professional on a FACT team. I'll be starting my PsyD studies in clinical psychology this fall at the Adler School of Professional Psychology and will be a full-time doctoral student.

6) Your inspirations:
Human behavior and emotions, nature, my seven siblings, butterflies, rain, my cats, my husband, animal behavior, music, art, and dance.

Barrettes (Teal BLING for Your Hair)

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
A birthday breakfast for my husband. I burnt the hell out of the pancakes :( I am definitely no chef.

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
This is a tough one. I guess it would be all the music I made--those sound waves are energy that will never be destroyed; I believe they continue to exist somewhere, and that is a wonderful feeling.

9) Explain your shop name:
My store name, Unique Expressions, sums up each item I create. It is unique, and I intend for it to express something. That 'something' is unique to the buyer.

10) Final thoughts?
My feelings are too big for my body. That's why I create.

Magnets (Promote and Market Yourself)

Please go visit Unique Expressions, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG what a surprise! i didn't expect to click on your blog and see me!!! LOL

thanks so much for the opportunity!