Sunday, May 27, 2007

All Things Etsy

So, let's do a quick update about what's going on in my life. Right now, I'm working a TON. Like, in the last three days, I worked 24 hours. That may not SEEM like a lot, but the store I work at was only open for 28 hours. It's a holiday weekend. Waaaaaaaaaaaah! Haha, no, it's all good. At least I'll have a little extra cash...? LOL.

As for Etsy, I brainstormed some new ideas for pins and Father's Day cards (and stuff of that nature), and right after this post, I'm probably going to start designing them and stuff of that nature. I'm also going to start my entrance for the Etsy & Instructables: Sew Useful Contest. I'm not even going to HINT what it's going to be here, but I will DEFINITELY post a link here when it's done. Trust me, it's nothing TERRIBLY innovative, but I can promise you that it will be something that can save you quite a bit of money. Plus, the commentary will be PRICELESS. :)

In addition to all of this, I just started helping a little bit with the "All Things Etsy" project. Here's a quick little synopsis of what's going on that I found from this forum post:

"Q. what is 'all things etsy'?

A. all things etsy (named in a forum contest by kreatedbykarina) is a way to get your store noticed. it basically works like this:
-you send me your items (samples, promos, coupons, business cards)
-i repack them into pretty organza bags (now with handstamped i heart tags - thanks to sssmommy for the perfect custom rubber stamp!)
-these bags are available individually in my shop, or in larger numbers as custom orders

*much like etsy itself, this promotion is constantly growing and evolving to better suit its community. please feel free to post any questions, comments, or suggestions in this thread*"

This whole thing is being run by an Etsy seller named octarine. What have I been doing for the project? Blog interviews, of course! If you're interested, you can visit the blog for "All Things Etsy" or you could get some more information about the project on this forum thread. Check it out. It's pretty neat! :D

I'm pretty excited with everything that I'm working on right now. Hopefully I won't botch any of this up. You should start to see some new products in my shop sometime this week! Yaaaaaay!

Enjoy your Memorial Day, everyone! Over and out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Allison!

I can't wait to see what you're entering in the contest!

Just in case you hadn't noticed, we've extended the deadline to July 16th, so you've got time to enter several great projects!

Best of luck,
