Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I love this time of year! The birds are chirping, the weather is warm, the flowers are starting to bloom (although, not in MY front yard, because we never actually PLANTED flowers this year)... I love the weather. You know what else I love? PamelaMichelle! It's like she and Mother Nature have been conspiring to create together some pretty neat, geometric, nature inspired art. Check it out!

Tree Print

1) Your shop name:

2) Your real name:
Pamela Michelle, but I usually go just by Pam.

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
Oh...I haven't had breakfast cereal in so long. But I do miss getting those little toys from the bottom of the boxes. My sister and I would fight over a box of cereal to get the toy out before the other, which usually ended with cereal all over the table and floor.

4) When did you begin creating?
I been creating my whole life. I've always been the crafty type, not afraid to try new things. Just recently I started selling prints of my paintings on Etsy, and that escalated into turning those prints into jewelry.

5) Got a day job?
My day job is tons of fun. I'm a graphic designer/illustrator for a major in-house design studio in Dallas, Texas. I work with energetic, talented, inspiring people, so it not a boring 9-5 by any means.

6) Your inspirations:
Right now I'm inspired by nature, modern design, and graffiti art.

Green Leafy Pendant Necklace

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
I've made many weird things. For Halloween last year I took a white sheet and cut and sewed it into a 'sexy ghost' costume (mind you I'm not properly trained how to sew, and all of it was done by hand). It turned out pretty weird. It covered my head, with strands of white strips draping down from the top (hair), I cut out holes for my eyes, and mouth and drew the most horrible lipstick and eyelashes on it, then it flowed down to a mid-length dress. I showed up to a party, where people asked me if I was a ghost nun or a white Klingnon. Let's just say I've since given it to goodwill, so someone else can enjoy it.

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
I'm most proud of my new necklaces. I had a blast creating them and I'm extremely happy with the outcome

9) Explain your shop name:
My shop name is my name. I just used something simple, so people I know or meet can remember it easily.

10) Final thoughts?
Whew! I'm going to need a big bucket of cookie dough ice cream now. Would anyone like to share? Grab a spoon! :)

Spring Time Flowers Print

Please go visit PamelaMichelle, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!