Thursday, May 31, 2007

Dark Temptations

It's true that on Etsy, there is a little something for everyone. I can tell you this for sure. The shop I found today takes gothic, combines it with vegan goodness, and makes WONDERFUL products. Who am I talking about? Dark Temptations, of course!

Fever Revitalizing Foot Polish 8 oz

1) Your shop name:
Dark Temptations

2) Your real name:
Jacquelyn Michelle Scott, known by Michelle

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
Apple Jacks

4) When did you begin creating?
I've always been involved in arts & crafts since I was young, but I started with my soaps, perfume oils and bath products 2 years ago.

5) Got a day job?
Yes, I'm a Manager for our transit system

6) Your inspirations:
Gothic, Victorian era, ancient Egypt, dark romance, things that run toward the not so main stream.

Bubbles for Charity Lemon Poundcake

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
That would be my In Shower Moisturizer bar, you rub it on while wet and dry yourself off and your skin ends up soft and moisturized.

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
I'm most proud of my Bliss! 3-in-1 scrub, it cleans, exfoliates and moisturizes.

9) Explain your shop name:
It embraces my bit of a gothic, quirky nature and tempting products.

10) Final thoughts?
I'm happy that I can combine my passion to create with my vegan ideals. I'm having a blast and I plan on doing this for a long time to come.

Gingerbread Baby Warming Scrub 2 oz/ 8 oz

Please go visit Dark Temptations, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I think I need a nap... I forgot just how early 6 am is (especially when you went to bed at 2 am). The good part was how green it was outdoors today. The color kind of matched my envy of the products in Tigergirl.

Green With Envy Chaos Necklace

1) Your shop name:

2) Your real name:
Linda-Maree (everyone calls me Lou)

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
Muesli with water zapped for 30 sec in the microwave then a dash of 99% ff milk (Oh, sometimes when we're staying at a hotel I'll have Coco Pops if they have them - so unhealthy but so yummy)

4) When did you begin creating?
My memory doesn't go back that far - a few too many beers and wines ago.

5) Got a day job?
Not at the moment. My 'trade' is Software Developer, I'm still trying to decide if I want to stick with it or not.

6) Your inspirations:
Everything and anything, usually I have no idea where my ideas come from.

Green Tea Chaos Necklace

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
Hmmm, I don't think I've made anything very weird, maybe that should be my next project?

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
That's tough. Probably my chaos necklaces but then again, I'm very proud of some of the clothes I've made, especially tailor made men's shirts.

9) Explain your shop name:
A long, long time ago I got a tiger tattoo, ever since then people are always giving me tiger things, so it's a theme. Until recently my motorbike helmet had tiger ears on it (one fell off somewhere while I was riding, so my hearing isn't as good anymore ha ha).

10) Final thoughts?
Don't dwell on what can't be changed - either change it, or move on to something else, life is too short.

Blue and Green Geisha Pendant Necklace

Please go visit Tigergirl, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I love this time of year! The birds are chirping, the weather is warm, the flowers are starting to bloom (although, not in MY front yard, because we never actually PLANTED flowers this year)... I love the weather. You know what else I love? PamelaMichelle! It's like she and Mother Nature have been conspiring to create together some pretty neat, geometric, nature inspired art. Check it out!

Tree Print

1) Your shop name:

2) Your real name:
Pamela Michelle, but I usually go just by Pam.

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
Oh...I haven't had breakfast cereal in so long. But I do miss getting those little toys from the bottom of the boxes. My sister and I would fight over a box of cereal to get the toy out before the other, which usually ended with cereal all over the table and floor.

4) When did you begin creating?
I been creating my whole life. I've always been the crafty type, not afraid to try new things. Just recently I started selling prints of my paintings on Etsy, and that escalated into turning those prints into jewelry.

5) Got a day job?
My day job is tons of fun. I'm a graphic designer/illustrator for a major in-house design studio in Dallas, Texas. I work with energetic, talented, inspiring people, so it not a boring 9-5 by any means.

6) Your inspirations:
Right now I'm inspired by nature, modern design, and graffiti art.

Green Leafy Pendant Necklace

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
I've made many weird things. For Halloween last year I took a white sheet and cut and sewed it into a 'sexy ghost' costume (mind you I'm not properly trained how to sew, and all of it was done by hand). It turned out pretty weird. It covered my head, with strands of white strips draping down from the top (hair), I cut out holes for my eyes, and mouth and drew the most horrible lipstick and eyelashes on it, then it flowed down to a mid-length dress. I showed up to a party, where people asked me if I was a ghost nun or a white Klingnon. Let's just say I've since given it to goodwill, so someone else can enjoy it.

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
I'm most proud of my new necklaces. I had a blast creating them and I'm extremely happy with the outcome

9) Explain your shop name:
My shop name is my name. I just used something simple, so people I know or meet can remember it easily.

10) Final thoughts?
Whew! I'm going to need a big bucket of cookie dough ice cream now. Would anyone like to share? Grab a spoon! :)

Spring Time Flowers Print

Please go visit PamelaMichelle, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Monday, May 28, 2007

green loves you.

Happy Memorial Day, everyone! Since today is such a special day, I'm interviewing an extra special Etsy seller. Her name is green loves you. I'm pretty much in love with everything in this shop. :)

The Key To My Heart Necklace

1) Your shop name:
green loves you.

2) Your real name:
Jamie Lee Ferraioli, but people call me Jamie Green.

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
There was this cereal I can't remember the name of when I was younger that was shaped like little stars and had frosting on top of them and little non-pareil sprinkles. I think the mascot for the box might've been a genie. I wish I could find that cereal again, because it's my absolute favorite!

4) When did you begin creating?
I don't think I can remember a time when I wasn't creating something. Making things is definitely my passion, so I'd say the second I was old enough to pick up a crayon I was on a roll.

5) Got a day job?
I WISH I didn't have a day job, but I do. I work for Eckerd Drugs doing merchandising and stocking. I just graduated college so I'm now on the prowl for a job in my field, so we'll see how that goes. Know anyone in need of an illustrator?

6) Your inspirations:
My biggest inspiration is food. I LOVE food. If I could have a job where I draw and create pretend foods all day I would be so happy.

Chocolate Sprinkle DOUGHNUT Cellphone Charm

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
A few years ago, when I was bored and playing with some polymer clay I decided to sculpt out the likeness of my boyfriend sitting playing a video game. Somehow he ended up looking like a melting muppet. Not a good look for him.

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
For a project in my 3D Color & Design class I made a beaded curtain out of paper beads. It took days and days and piles of magazine strips and Elmer's glue. I got the inspiration from a celebrity showing off her house on TV and she showed a beaded curtain she loved that she bought for $4,000. I thought "I can make that.", so I did! It's so stunning, I would love to make a second one one day.

9) Explain your shop name:
My nickname in highschool was Jamie Green because I was obsessed with the color green. We're talking insanely obsessed. One day, I just started ending notes and emails and even tests and quizzes with "green loves you.". It's stuck with me for so long that I didn't think twice before naming my shop that.

10) Final thoughts?
My final thoughts...If you haven't played Tales of Symphonia for Gamecube yet you haven't lived! Oh, and green loves you.

Petal Pusher Earrings

Please go visit green loves you., and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

New Treasury

I know, I know, I owe you guys an interview.

Buuuuuut... in the meantime....

I snagged a Treasury!

It's watermelon themed, and it's very cute. See?

Please, go visit and leave me comments! :)

Sunday, May 27, 2007

All Things Etsy

So, let's do a quick update about what's going on in my life. Right now, I'm working a TON. Like, in the last three days, I worked 24 hours. That may not SEEM like a lot, but the store I work at was only open for 28 hours. It's a holiday weekend. Waaaaaaaaaaaah! Haha, no, it's all good. At least I'll have a little extra cash...? LOL.

As for Etsy, I brainstormed some new ideas for pins and Father's Day cards (and stuff of that nature), and right after this post, I'm probably going to start designing them and stuff of that nature. I'm also going to start my entrance for the Etsy & Instructables: Sew Useful Contest. I'm not even going to HINT what it's going to be here, but I will DEFINITELY post a link here when it's done. Trust me, it's nothing TERRIBLY innovative, but I can promise you that it will be something that can save you quite a bit of money. Plus, the commentary will be PRICELESS. :)

In addition to all of this, I just started helping a little bit with the "All Things Etsy" project. Here's a quick little synopsis of what's going on that I found from this forum post:

"Q. what is 'all things etsy'?

A. all things etsy (named in a forum contest by kreatedbykarina) is a way to get your store noticed. it basically works like this:
-you send me your items (samples, promos, coupons, business cards)
-i repack them into pretty organza bags (now with handstamped i heart tags - thanks to sssmommy for the perfect custom rubber stamp!)
-these bags are available individually in my shop, or in larger numbers as custom orders

*much like etsy itself, this promotion is constantly growing and evolving to better suit its community. please feel free to post any questions, comments, or suggestions in this thread*"

This whole thing is being run by an Etsy seller named octarine. What have I been doing for the project? Blog interviews, of course! If you're interested, you can visit the blog for "All Things Etsy" or you could get some more information about the project on this forum thread. Check it out. It's pretty neat! :D

I'm pretty excited with everything that I'm working on right now. Hopefully I won't botch any of this up. You should start to see some new products in my shop sometime this week! Yaaaaaay!

Enjoy your Memorial Day, everyone! Over and out!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Brooklyn Nite Owl

Little update on work. They sent me home early yesterday. I was supposed to work a six hour shift. They sent me home after one hour. Apparently, I am REALLY inept when I am sick. I can't count change, I can't bag items, I can't remember to give the customer his or her receipt... And I had lost my voice. They were like, "Wow. You are special. No, seriously. Just go home." So I did. And you know what I did right after that? I browsed Etsy. And I saw this cute shop by Brooklyn Nite Owl!

Sweet Zoe Scents - Bibianna Goat Milk Soap

1) Your shop name:
Brooklyn Nite Owl

2) Your real name:
Heather Kunka

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
Cream of Wheat with honey and tasty little Sunmaid dried fruit bits (stop laughing!) (Or it was my fav before I went low carb again -- down 10 pounds and counting! Now fav breakie is bacon, lots of bacon!)

4) When did you begin creating?
I began creating with finger paints at age 3 on freshly painted apartment walls (yes, really). Mom and Dad were less than thrilled with my creative genius. Never leave a 3 year old unattended! My grandmother was a terrific artist though, and very encouraging!

5) Got a day job?
Cool actually, customer service for a heating oil cooperative -- I help people all day, and enjoy it!

6) Your inspirations:
Abstract patterns are my inspiration, and I find them everywhere: nature, architecture, reflections, broken glass, in light, shadow, mist, rain... The simple play of sunlight on leaves amazes me!

June Raspberry Metalwork Bracelet

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
Some of my paintings have been a bit, uh, unique... One of the most memorable is a whirling dervish of color that I think I titled "Riding the Carousel After One Too Many Tequilas!" I still have it, and I think it's cool!

8) Creation that you are most proud of
I am very proud of my Metalwork bracelets, since each one is done from scratch without bracelet forms or anything like that. I love the whole process of forming the sheeting, making the bracelet (I use an old fashioned rolling pin!), and building up layers of sheer tints to add depth. I really like the drama of them!

I am also very proud of my pies, which are not available on Etsy. I made damn good pie! Today's pie was blueberry/blackberry/strawberry, with tiny chunks of candied ginger, cinnamon and allspice. My boyfriend is gaga for pie, so I usually make one every week!

9) Explain your shop name:
Shop name, huh? I've lived in Brooklyn for over a decade now, in very diverse areas, and given the opportunity I love being up late at night, working on a project... Though I confess I'm probably even more of a morning chick, since I love the dawn! But Brooklyn Morning Owl just sounded stupid.

As for the owl, I adore birds, even the ubiquitous sparrow, even starlings (whom no one seems to like), crows (very regal), and, yes, even pigeons (ok, so they're rats with wings--most of them are exceptionally pretty!). My favorite birds are: Stellar's Sea Eagle and the Junco and any type of owl. Whooo can resist owls, with their amazing hunting skills (even when blindfolded), their huge eyes, and their haunting hoot? Such cool birds.

10) Final thoughts?
I like creating something original. Ideas come to me all the time, so I've learned to scribble them down so I don't forget them (damn, forgot the great creative thought but remembered to pick up eggs!). When I was in high school I won lots of medals for paintings and drawings, all very realistic ... and heave a little sigh of regret ... I was forcing myself to conform to what was expected of me. NOW -- hah! I do what I want!

For someone with a sunny disposition most of my paintings are fairly dark in nature (but not in color!) In fact, I've just about finished one, painted on metal sheeting, that I'll be posting in a couple of days. But my jewelry is cheerful and bright and definitely wearable!

Pink Sandstone Pendant

Please go visit Brooklyn Nite Owl, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Unique Expressions

Wow. I cannot believe how hard I am busting my ass to get to work at the hardware store today... I have the a VERY sore throat, I am FREEZING, and I'm just not sure how I'm going to make it through my shift... It's pretty much going to suck...

But you know what doesn't suck? Unique Expressions!

Earrings (A Dainty Compliment)

1) Your shop name:
Unique Expressions

2) Your real name:
Jessica Mattingly, aka jes or jessprkle

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
Kashi, Go Lean!

4) When did you begin creating?
For as long as I can remember, I have always been creating something. I had imaginary friends. I created jobs for my stuffed animals to complete while I slept. I believed my life was a movie, then I thought my life was a dream and that I'd wake up an infant still in my crib aware of all my life held. I made refrigerator boxes into houses. I collected cereal boxes, egg crates, and milk cartons and made a little city that I worked on during recess rather than going out and playing with the other kids. I created endless obsessive and compulsive rituals as a child that morphed into my adult life. I created music for a major portion of my life. I created characters on stage after my initial departure from music. Now, I create therapeutic environments during the day and fun stuff at night for my online venues.

5) Got a day job?
I work full-time as a mental health professional on a FACT team. I'll be starting my PsyD studies in clinical psychology this fall at the Adler School of Professional Psychology and will be a full-time doctoral student.

6) Your inspirations:
Human behavior and emotions, nature, my seven siblings, butterflies, rain, my cats, my husband, animal behavior, music, art, and dance.

Barrettes (Teal BLING for Your Hair)

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
A birthday breakfast for my husband. I burnt the hell out of the pancakes :( I am definitely no chef.

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
This is a tough one. I guess it would be all the music I made--those sound waves are energy that will never be destroyed; I believe they continue to exist somewhere, and that is a wonderful feeling.

9) Explain your shop name:
My store name, Unique Expressions, sums up each item I create. It is unique, and I intend for it to express something. That 'something' is unique to the buyer.

10) Final thoughts?
My feelings are too big for my body. That's why I create.

Magnets (Promote and Market Yourself)

Please go visit Unique Expressions, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Sea Within

It's been a long day. I know I post this EVERY day, but seriously. I just went to the world's most difficult funeral, and I could use a chance to unwind before the American Idol finals. So, what am I doing? Perusing Etsy, of course. What did I find? The Sea Within!

Animal Crackers Purse

1) Your shop name:
The Sea Within

2) Your real name:
Nadine H.

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
Granola and yogurt. Does that count? I don't really like cereal.

4) When did you begin creating?
I can't remember ever not creating something.

5) Got a day job?
I'm learning to be a Guide Dog Trainer, which will eventually turn into a 'real' job for me.

6) Your inspirations:

Beehive Purse

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
Hmm...I'm sure I made lots of really weird stuff as a kid. I can't think of anything in particular though.

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
My pleated purses because they are the first pattern I made that I really liked. I am incredible in love with a lot of the new fabrics I have been finding, especially my beehive one.

9) Explain your shop name:
I used to be working on a PhD in Zoology because I switched gears to train guide dogs. While in my PhD programme, a friend of mine and I found this old science book at a book sale called 'The Sea Within'. It was all about body fluids (water and solute balence) and had some great figures and hilarious figure captions such as 'disease will shrivel you up like an old apple' and 'excess potassium will result in death' with a skull and cross bones as the figure.

10) Final thoughts?
Etsy is the best! I love it!

Rethinking Pink Purse

Please go visit The Sea Within, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Ambient Design

So, things have calmed down considerably since yesterday. I have the day off from work today. I'm going to hang out with some friends. I'm not sure what we'll be doing, but I AM sure of one thing: I am going to HAVE to show them the items in a shop called Ambient Design. GORGEOUS!

Capistrano Necklace

1) Your shop name:
Ambient Design

2) Your real name:
Angela Burke

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
I'm not generally a cereal person, but when I need my fiber, I like Kashi GoLean! Crunch with some soy milk and berries.

4) When did you begin creating?
From the age of three. My grandmother taught me how to sew my own doll clothes at that age.

5) Got a day job?
Yes. I'm a high school English teacher. Sometimes it's inspiring, and sometimes it's just plain exhausting.

6) Your inspirations:
Nature, my favorite works of literature, found and vintage objects like old textiles and old books, high fashion, my favorite pieces of music, and the people in my life.

You Are So Deer To Me Card in Leaf Green

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
I don't know if I've ever made anything truly bizarre, but I did knit my dog a sweater (sans pattern!) that my husband-to-be is pretty embarrassed by when he walks the dog in cold weather.

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
EVER? It's so hard to choose. I'm quite proud of the sexy off-the-shoulder sweater I knit myself. I'm also designing jewelry for my bridesmaids right now that I think will be quite stunning. In my shop, I'm very proud of my shell dagger earrings. I think they're pretty without being saccharine.

9) Explain your shop name:
My initials are A.M.B. I wanted something that reflected me but wasn't necessarily my name. "Ambient" means to completely surround or envelop something--- I liked the idea of being enveloped by creativity and independent design all the time. That's what I enjoy most about my life.

10) Final thoughts?
I love Etsy and am amazed by so many people's work on the site. I hope it continues to grow as an amazing gateway for artists!

Silver Shell Dagger Earrings

Please go visit Ambient Design, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Monday, May 21, 2007

ZAJA Natural Handmade Confections

Hello, everyone!

I am feeling incapable of a normal thought process today. I have had the busiest weekend ever. Most of it was good, but... a great deal of it was not. We're having a major crisis in my family. Most of them could just use a break for a bit. I'm thinking about buying them some of these adorable products from ZAJA Natural Handmade Confections. They could sure use it...

Black Raspberry Vanilla Handmade Soap

1) Your shop name:
ZAJA Natural Handmade Confections

2) Your real name:
Zaidat Bombata

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal
I like Honey Bunches Of Oats, Special K Vanilla and Almonds.

4) When did you begin creating?
I began creating in the early 90s.

5) Got a day job?
Yes, as a Mom ;)

6) Your inspirations:
I am inspired by my family, primarily my children. My success = their success.

Dead Sea Mud Foaming Face and Body Scrub

7) Weirdest thing you've ever made:
Once, I made this weird rice dish that turned out pretty yummy, even though it looked like 3 day old garbage.

8) Creation that you are most proud of:
My babies :)

9) Explain your shop name:
ZAJA is a combination of my name, Zaidat and the first 2 letters of my husband's name. It stands for Zestfully Ambrosial, Joyfully Aromatic.

10) Final thoughts?
Catch ya later!

Skin Rescue 911 (tm) Total Body Kit

Please go visit ZAJA Natural Handmade Confections, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Meeting FortCloudy!

Well, I forgot to post it earlier, but I got to meet Sarah of FortCloudy on Thursday. I took some random video footage. Because we are cool like that. Here we go:

Video one of six

Video two of six

Video three of six

Video four of six (WARNING: MATURE LANGUAGE!)

Video five of six

Video six of six (WARNING: MATURE LANGUAGE!)

I hope you enjoy these videos. Yeah. I'm a nerd. I'm silly. Whatever. Sue me. We had fun.

And seriously, I was NOT drunk when I drove home. I just did NOT realize that South Street was a one way street. I was VERY responsible (except for that whole "making a turn without checking to see if it was a one way street" thing...)!

Friday, May 18, 2007


I have to go to work in about an hour. Rawr. I need something soothing to calm my nerves before I get there and have to deal with all those crazy customers! Maybe looking at some pretty Etsy things would help. Luckily, I've found the right shop for that! Enter, Greenwillow!

Flower Notecards, set of 4

1) Your shop name:

2) Your real name:
Ann Todd

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:

4) When did you begin creating?:
I've always loved to create. I began designing and sewing doll clothes as a child.
I've always have loved crafts of any kind--just doing things with my hands. I have always enjoyed making my own cards and creations. I added art photography about 5 years ago.

5) Got a day job?:
I've been retired almost 4 years ago from career in National Retail Advertising for a

6) Your inspirations:
Anything beautiful--including my grandchildren.

Flower Fairy

7) Creation that you are most proud of:
My daughter's wedding dress and her professional acapella singing group 19th century

8) Explain your shop name:
Greenwillow is the name of a street we built a house on years ago. My husband picked
the street name from a record jacket. My daughter lives there now, and she and I
began a craft business about 5 years ago and named it after that street.

9) Final thoughts?
I create to make myself happy and others happy. I've always loved to create gifts
for others, thinking that when they saw my creations for them, they would feel my
love for them. When anyone actually likes something of mine enough to buy it, I am
still thrilled.

Stitched vine pictures (pair)

Please go visit Greenwillow, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Flame Works, LTD

It's been a hectic week with work. I am stressed out to the max. I just accepted a second job on top of Etsy and the hardware store I already work at. Summer classes will be starting soon. All I want is to lie down and have a nap.

...Or maybe a bubble bath...

I just found the most incredible Etsy shop. Flame Works, LTD has everything I could ever need or want for bath time and pretty much every other time of the day. You owe it to yourself to check out this wonderful shop, and with products like these, why wouldn't you?

Silky Foaming Bubble Bath by Flame Works, LTD

I quickly contacted the seller for an interview so I could let all of you know a little bit more. Here's what I found out:

1) Your shop name:
Flame Works, LTD

2) Your real name:
Michelle Saltsman

3) Your favorite breakfast cereal:
Frosted Shredded Wheat

4) When did you begin creating?:
I started creating in 2002. I began making candles and then my creativity took me towards bath and body products.

5) Got a day job?:
My day job is being a full time mother to 2 beautiful boys. They are 8 and 4 1/2.

6) Your inspirations:
I get some of my inspiration from textiles such as marble. Food is a great inspiration since I seem to enjoy that pastime. I like earthy colors so the outdoors always seems to come into play.

Hemp and Jojoba Lip Balm in Chocolate

7) Creation that you are most proud of:
I am most proud of my soaps.

9) Explain your shop name:
My shop name is a combination of the 2 creations I enjoy to make. Candles=Flame and Bath and Body Works=Works. Kind of silly huh?

10) Final thoughts?
Thank you for interviewing me. I love what I do. I am always working on new products and formulations. My friends call me 'the mad scientist'.
I have been married 14 years and have 2 sons. I love warm weather and wish I lived in the south. I like to listen to contemporary country music. Thanks again!

Blue Sugar Vegan Soap

Please go visit Flame Works, LTD, and keep checking back for more interviews with amazing Etsy sellers!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Update on my life

Wow, I can't believe how well things have been going lately.

Etsy's been going great. I found a new way to photograph my items, so I think I'll be doing that from now on. I've made a few sales. I'm making friends on the forums and in the chats. I've been advertising like crazy. My shop is really starting to flourish! So, that's all exciting.

Also, I got offered a third job yesterday (I work in a hardware store and Etsy is my second job). A pediatrician's office that I applied to, like, three months ago called to offer me a job there, so I'm meeting with them tomorrow after I get done at the hardware store. This means that I'll have a little extra disposable income. Awesome.

One last thing: Hey Pretty Cupcake is up and running! Paper Zombie from Etsy contacted me about a month and a half ago to ask me if I'd like to consign with her, and I agreed, and now it's actually happening. So happy! The website is ADORABLE! I'd definitely suggest checking it out if you can. Awesome.

So, that's my brief update about what's been happening in my life. Hopefully sometime this week I'll be starting to post the interviews with the Etsy sellers that I've been in contact with. It should be good. Yay! :)

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Ok, for anybody who saw my post here, the questions for the interview are as follows:

1) Your shop name
2) Your real name
3) Your favorite breakfast cereal
4) When did you begin creating?
5) Got a day job?
6) Your inspirations
7) Weirdest thing you've ever made
8) Creation that you are most proud of
9) Explain your shop name
10) Final thoughts?

If you would like to answer them, please copy/paste these questions from the blog and into a convo and send them to me at lessthanthreedesigns!

Thanks! :)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Wow, I haven't updated this dealie since February? This warrants an update, I think.

Let's see... what have I been up to?

Well, for starters, I have a new job. I am a cashier at a hardware store. While this is wonderful, it makes for MUCH less time for Etsy and making new items in general. I am very sad about this, but I honestly just needed a much steadier income that I could count on. Besides, the hardware store isn't half bad. Since it's a small chain store, it's not busy ALL the time. This means I can troll the Etsy forums and I get to talk to my co-workers a lot. Plus, sometimes I have time to fill orders for my Etsy shop and I can ship them out during lunch breaks. Also, I get 20% off, and some of the things that we sell can be used for new items in my shop! All in all, it's probably the best retail job I've ever had. Except that I'm exhausted... But whatever.

As for Etsy and making things in general...

I got a button maker. Now I can make goodies like this:

I kinda like the button maker a lot. I'm currently brainstorming a WHOLE slew of ideas of things to do with it. Also, now I can do promos.

Speaking of promos, I just finished making a whole lot of promos to be sent out with my orders. They are REALLY cute, but VERY time consuming to make. They are little books: they have a green paper cover and some white paper inside. The front has my signature "teeth" on it and says "Less Than Three Designs". The back has information about my Etsy shop and my website on it.

OH! My website! Yes. I launched my website at the beginning of April. It's a lot of fun, but as of right now, it doesn't do too much. I'm redesigning it so that it's more useful/easier to navigate/not so juvenile. We'll see how that goes. I think I'm going to have to buy HTML for Dummies or something... :P

One last thing before I go: my sister and I are planning on doing the Artist's Alley for Otakon, an anime festival in Baltimore. It's in July (the same weekend the new Harry Potter book comes out--I'm going to pre-order mine and pick it up while in Baltimore because I AM that much of a loser). Hopefully we'll be able to get our stuff together by the festival! It should go pretty well. Hopefully. We'll see!

Until next time,