Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Forget ALL about the cards I was talking about in the last post. I've got something else that's pretty awesome... Check it out. Chat room pins!

Chat Room Censored Words Pinback Set

Oh God, YES. I'm so amused by this idea. I'm just surprised I didn't think of it sooner.

In other news, my cousin Vica (yes, the one who drew the comic strip that inspired the teeth cards) just moved to Philly to go to college, which is 20 minutes away from my house. I'm SO EXCITED. She, my sister, and I are opening our own Etsy shop called Wonder Cousins Unite. It's going to be reconstructed clothing (and we are going to have plus size in addition to regular sizes), pinbacks, plushies, purses, and maybe even some furniture. It's going to be awesome! We plan to have it up and running in two weeks or so (just in time for Christmas--haha). Yay! :)

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