Saturday, February 24, 2007

My friends and I used to run a theater company back during our high school days. We got shut down by our township because they no longer had a free facility for us to use due to the fact that they gave the middle school auditorium that we had been using to a sports team. We are not a poor township by any means. We are just in a place that cares more about sports than theater or music or art or anything else, really. Our high school won a Grammy award for excellence in music (the only school in New Jersey, might I add). It is ridiculous that there is no summer theater for these same children to participate in.

My friends and I have recently started a theater company called Standing Room Only. It is a community theater group, and anyone who wants to participate is welcome. However, since we are college students, we have no spare money at all to put towards our show. We have started an intense routine of fundraising, including a Friendly's night. How this works is basically as follows: On March 14th, from 5 to 8 pm, the Friendly's in our township is donating a portion of anyone's bill who comes in and says they are here for the fundraiser. In addition to this, Friendly's has generously donated a dinner for two that will be raffled off during the evening as well as has given us permission to raffle off gift baskets during the fundraiser. I am asking for donations from the Etsy community for gifts to put into these baskets. I am absolutely smitten with the Etsy community and their hearts of gold, and I am sure that many know what it feels like to want to have somewhere to exhibit your talent but know in your heart that it will never happen. We want to save others from feeling that way. If you would be generous enough to donate an item, if you sent business cards, we would place them in the baskets, on the table displaying the baskets so people could take one, and on a bulletin board near the display. You would be doing something nice for others, and you would get some decent publicity because we plan on having around 400-500 people at this event. If you feel so generous as to donate something, please send me a convo at lessthanthreedesigns. Thank you so much!


Ryan said...

I like the blog :)

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.